I seeded Japanese traditional cotton “Wamen” on May 5, 2018. It is Gossypium Arboreum (one of the Old World cotton). It will have short and coarse lint.
I seeded Japanese traditional cotton “Wamen” on May 5, 2018. It is Gossypium Arboreum (one of the Old World cotton). It will have short and coarse lint.
Japanese Indigo is growing well despite of no fertilizer and no insecticide.
I knitted a baby shoes for a gift.
I mixed red cotton(dyed with Indian madder) and white cotton by hand carders. It became pink.
The plant height of Japanese Indigo was 3-5cm.
I thinned out seedlings.
On April 2, I seeded Japanese Indigo in Japan.
Day 11 after seeding, about 1cm cotyledons came above ground.